James Pyles reviewed our new book at Certforums.co.uk recently. James calls our book a teaching tool, not an artist’s guide, and says it could be used as a university textbook.
WSO Secrets Tags: book review
Alexander Kirk Reviews Website Optimization Secrets
Vienna-based Alex Kirk has reviewed the new Nighthawk book.
Dot Net Perls Reviews Website Optimization Book
Dot Net Perls reviewed our new book, Website Optimization Secrets. Sam Allen wrote that although the SEM portion of the book is interesting, he thinks the performance advice is the most useful.
Get Elastic Reviews Website Optimization Secrets
Get Elastic, an ecommerce blog, just posted a nice review of our new book. Thanks to Linda Bustos for her timely review.
LibraryThing.com Reviews Website Optimization Secrets
W.F. Zimmerman briefly reviewed Secrets calling it “outstanding and definitive.” http://www.librarything.com/work/book/33695257