Help get the road hogs off the information superhighway. At any one moment there’s only so much bandwidth to go around. Bandwidth hogging code and methods are sucking up our shared resources. As a developer you can help clear out the sludge by following the methods outlined in Speed Up Your Site, and you can help the cause (and yourself) by promoting these methods on your site.
Spread the Word!

Winner! August Speed Up The Web Campaign
Congratulations to LB Neal for winning our second Speed Up The Web Campaign award for August, 2003. LB displays our banner at his page. For his help in speeding up the web he wins a free speed consult, a copy of Speed w3compiler, and TopStyle Pro. Show your support for speedy web sites and you could win next time (we skipped July).
Winner! June Speed Up The Web Campaign
Congratulations to Stephen Pierzchala for winning our first Speed Up The Web Campaign award for June, 2003. Stephen displays a PNG version of our banner at and promotes faster web sites through his optimization work and educational sites. For his efforts he wins a free speed consult, a copy of Speed, and TopStyle Pro. Show your support for speedy web sites and you could win next time.
Join the Revolution
Win a free speed consult!
Simply grab one of these optimized banners (or high speed link) and link it to a revenue sharing bookseller (like Amazon) or back to You’ll get a piece of the action for each copy sold, and a big piece of satisfaction knowing that you are part of the solution and not the problem. You can start with the sample code below.
Speed Up The Web Campaign
Besides warm fuzzies from helping to support faster web sites you’ll also gain a chance to win valuable prizes. Participating sites can send us their URL(s). Once a month we’ll randomly draw an entry to win a free speed consult, a copy of Speed Up Your Site, and Bradsoft’s TopStyle Pro XHTML/CSS Editor.
About w3compiler
About TopStyle Pro
TopStyle Pro is an HTML, XHTML and CSS editor for Windows written by the creator of HomeSite. TopStyle Pro is designed for creating standards-compliant Web sites.
125 x 125 pixels

468 x 60 pixels

K10K size (266 x 53 pixels)

IAB half-banner (234 x 60 pixels)

Digital Web Magazine size (135 x 100 pixels)

88 x 31 pixel button

100 x 128 pixel mini-cover

High speed link
For those of you who prefer links, you can link to Amazon like this:<p><a href=””>Speed Up Your Site</a></p>
Sample Code
<p><a href=””><img src=”speed125x125.gif” width=”125″ height=”125″ alt=”Speed Up Your Site ” border=”0″ /></a></p>
Of course, you can always link back to this site to help spread the word, or the book site, where folks can learn more.