The Third Road site had a brief mention of our book.
WSO Secrets Tags: website optimization book review
Top 100 SEO Books by Techie Mania
Techie Mania has an interesting list of what it judges to be the top 100 SEO books. WSO Secrets came in at #20 on the list, even though 1/2 of the book is devoted to SEO, the other half is devoted to performance. Google has made speed a ranking factor in SEO rankings, so the two areas are now interrelated.
A Professional Web Designer’s Thoughts on Websites, SEO…
ProMovieBlogger has a nice mention of our book on their site.
Kate Trgovac Reviews Website Optimization Secrets Book
Kate Trgovac of was kind enough to review our book. She wrote: “This is my absolute favourite book on search. Or, more accurately, how a bunch of different factors on your website impact your site’s search engine optimization. Andrew King has done a superb job bringing together the technical world and the marketing world.”
Holiday Stocking Stuffer for Website Optimization Developers has poslitively reviewed our new book, calling it a great gift for the holiday season.
Eric Brown Reviews Website Optimization Book
We received a great review from Eric Brown, an independent IT consultant with an impressive track record, on our new book Website Optimization Secrets.
Wider Funnel Reviews the Nighthawk Book
Web marketing firm Wider Funnel just reviewed our Website Optimization book. Raquel Hirsch and Chris Goward take a closer look at the new book and find it to be a good introduction to website optimization.
Search Engine Optimization Journal Reviews Website Optimization Book
The folks at SEO Journal have reviewed Website Optimization Secrets. Nick Stamoulis summarizes the book and gives a positive review.