The UK has dropped from 13th to 14th place in broadband penetration worldwide, during the last quarter of 2008. The US dropped out of the top 20 entirely during the same time period, according to a recent Point Topic survey. Meanwhile US broadband penetration dropped to 93.13% among active Internet users. This is the second month in a row that US broadband penetration has fallen.
Bandwidth Report Tags: average broadband speed
Apple Streaming Media Players Target Microsoft – European Broadband Grows 20% to 110.5 Million Connections – US Broadband Growth Slows to 59% Penetration – March 2009 Bandwidth Report
The popularity of Apple’s streaming media players is rapidly approaching Microsoft’s. According to a recent survey of streaming media usage, the market share of Apple’s iTunes and QuickTime players grew from 32% in January 2008 to 36.4% in January 2009, while Microsoft’s Media Player was unchanged at 50.7%. Most of this gain was due to the increasing popularity of iTunes. Meanwhile broadband lines grew by 20% to 110.5 million lines in Europe over the past year. In the US, broadband growth slowed to its lowest level in seven years, while penetration crept up to 59% overall.
UK Broadband Penetration Breaks 95% – US Broadband Penetration Grows to 93.4% among Active Internet Users – February 2009 Bandwidth Report
The percentage of users on broadband in the UK rose to 95.1 percent in December 2008, according the to Office for National Statistics. More than 19 of 20 connections to the Internet are via broadband in the UK, according to a survey of Internet Service Providers. Due to the high penetration rate, the quarterly report has been discontinued. Meanwhile in the US, broadband penetration grew to 93.38 percent among active Internet users in January 2009.
Average UK Broadband Speed Is 3.6Mbps – Google Exposes Bandwidth Throttling – US Broadband Penetration Grows to 92.8% among Active Internet Users – January 2009 Bandwidth Report
Broadband subscribers in the UK experience an average download speed of 3.6Mbps, according to a recent survey by Ofcom (Office of Communications 2009). Among subscribers to “up to 8Mbps” broadband, UK subscribers experienced an average actual download speed of 3.6Mbps, or 45% of the headline speed. Google has just the answer to disgruntled broadband subscribers, launching a new M-Lab service to measure user connections. Meanwhile in the US, broadband penetration increased to 92.8% among active Internet users.