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Mexico Tops in Broadband Growth – Switzerland Leads World in Broadband Penetration – DSL Dominates High Penetration Countries – August 2013 Bandwidth Report

Mexico led the world in broadband growth in the last quarter of 2012. Overall, Switzerland topped all countries in broadband penetration. The US remained stuck in 15th place in broadband penetration, according to a recent survey. DSL dominates the countries with high broadband penetration, while the US relies more on cable modems for most of their broadband subscribers.

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1.2 Billion Active Mobile Broadband Users – Europe Leads World in Broadband Penetration – December 2011 Bandwidth Report

By the end of 2011, there were over 1.2 billion active users of mobile broadband devices, according to a recent survey. 90% of the world’s population had access to 2G broadband, while 45% of the world had 3G coverage, according to the ITU. Europe leads the world in broadband penetration with fixed and mobile broadband penetration reaching 26% and 54% respectively. The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Denmark lead all countries surveyed in fixed broadband penetration.

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Japanese Broadband Nears 50% Fiber – US Broadband Penetration Grows to 93.4% Among Active Internet Users – May 2009 Bandwidth Report

Japan has the highest percentage of fiber-optic subscribers to broadband in the world. Nearly 48% of broadband subscribers use fiber-optic connections in Japan, well above the OECD average of 10% worldwide. At its current growth rate, more than half of Japan’s broadband lines will be on fiber-optic networks by the summer of 2009. Meanwhile, US broadband penetration among active Internet users grew to 93.44% in April.

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UK to pass Canada in Broadband Penetration in 2008 – US Broadband Penetration Grows to 91.8% among Active Internet Users – October 2008 Bandwidth Report

The UK will pass Canada in broadband penetration for the top spot among G7 countries in 2008. The UK’s higher growth rate will propel them past Canada in late 2008, according to projections by Website Optimization. While the US showed a higher growth rate in year over year broadband uptake, it remains in 15th place worldwide in broadband penetration. Japan and Korea now have more broadband subscribers on fiber than on DSL or cable. Among active Internet users, broadband penetration in the US grew to 91.8% in September 2008, up 0.26 percentage points over last month.

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